Approx. 357 miles.

Last night we took a stroll along the promenade in the tourist area of Al Jadida. This morning we packed early to head for Agadir. The terrain was changing significantly from lush green hills to a more baron and desert like appearance. Riding through the Anti Atlas is a fantastic experience with amazing panoramic views of the sand coloured mountains, almost like being on the moon (I would imagine). The roads are well-constructed and traffic much less than in the North meaning we made really good progress.  Dai had a heart stopping moment when over taking a heavily loaded truck on a bend when suddenly another truck appeared from the opposite direction. A swift twist of the throttle helped him escape the situation.

Along the way, at a fuel stop we met a Dutch convoy travelling by 4 x 4 with two bikes. Sponsored to the hilt shall we say. I question such charity events and wonder how much of their sponsorship money actually goes to the needy. I considered gathering sponsors for my trip and many people have asked what charity am I raising money for. The problem is that when I looked in to it, the organisation I had in mind suggested I  could use sone of the funds raised towards my expenses. I do not consider that being charity so please all be aware of such organisations.

My tummy problem worsened throughout the day but after a can of coke seemed to get much better. Dai’s sweats have also stopped and we put it down to the Mosquito bites.

Approaching Agadir, we decided that we and the bikes still had some miles left in us so we pressed on to Bouizakarne, a further 50 miles South than Agadir.

Today deserves a mini celebration as I am officially the furthest South I have ever been on a Motorcycle.

Arriving in the town of Boulzakarn, Dai easily found a campsite (Baba Sahara) which are becoming fewer and far between. The site was in the grounds of an old fort. The owner was extremely welcoming and at a cost of only 50 Dirham for two people for the night, the equivalent of £4! The ground was hard, like concrete which prevented us from pitching the tents so I brushed an old horse cart down and bedded down early for the night under the stars. What we didn’t expect is that a sand storm would pick up and the following morning everything was covered in sand, and I mean everything. During the night I kept getting a smell of something unpleasant and it was only at sun rise I realised I had been sleeping next to a dead cat.

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